Seeing the world through your eyes, means feeling it with all your heart too.
Maybe you even sense the fibres of the Universe, taste colours, love the scent of joy, or awake
to guides in the night, but whatever special way you take in the world, you also can’t shake the
feeling it's for a special purpose.
You know you’re not here to “tow the line”, do repetitive tasks, create copycat “empires”, hustle
til you drop, sit on your “radical” ideas and gifts, uphold injustice, or do anything less than
innovate the ways people work together, improve their lives, enjoy their existence, or
consciously create wealth.
You’re here to cause divine disruption to the status quo. Through your business, your courses/programs, services, platforms, change projects, books, art, music, and more.
✅ You’re hungry to shift habits that make you crazy, ban the inner critic that kills your momentum,
✅ break your money story that keeps you underearning, and dump the perfectionism that brings
things to a crawl.
✅You’re ready to graduate from the hopscotch of do-it-yourself courses and eight-week programs
to an intimate circle of high level mentorship where you’ll enjoy personalized support,
compassionate accountability, and customizable strategies to bring your unique idea from seed to bloom (with paying clients/customers).
If you’re excited to anchor into your manifesting power, pull all the pieces of your idea together
in a plan, channel your energy wisely to make it happen, define your voice and presence and
FINALLY create your sacred mark in the world, then you’re ready to:
Amplify Your Abundance is for the enterprising soul who wants to be more in the world, change lives with their story/gifts, and create conscious wealth in a way that raises the vibe of the planet.
Through this mentorship you will step fully into your authentic sensitive/empathic leadership, anchor into your manifesting power, gain the habits to steer a sustainable venture, and successfully amplify your voice, message and visibility for maximum impact and abundance.
You’ll be supported in an intimate container for twelve months where we’ll fully reprogram your mindset for success, eliminate sabotaging habits, anchor the inner confidence behind your brand/public presence, get the practical strategies to get your platform/program up and running, get strategic cash creation coaching, and grow personally/spiritually in immeasurable ways.
Not only will you be coached by me, but you’ll also be learning from guest experts who are going to bring incredible value on topics like course design, blogging, social media, and more.
Instead of knowing what you need to do - but then running into a brick wall and STOPPING...
You’re going to know HOW to motivate yourself to do everything, but more importantly,
you’re actually going to implement and manifest the vision you hold in your heart because you’ll be supported each step of the way, learn brain based techniques to bust limiting beliefs and habits, and become a master of your high vibration energy.
This mentorship is for people who are 100% lit up by their soul fire & passion to make a difference, know what they want to create and understand the incredible value long term mentorship provides because it does things "doing it on your own" doesn't provide:
Applying to to have a discovery conversation does not admit you to the program and no payment is taken. We'll find out if this is a good fit for both of us. If it is, then I may extend an invitation to you to join the mentorship or if not recommend another program or coaching (or even other coach) that will support your needs.
xxx ooo
Step into your Sacred CEO Shoes, develop your brand, and build your sacred enterprise